
Training practices amongst SME managers and use of IT (Project for Leonardo da Vinci Programme)

The project investigates the domain of continuous training activities carried out by SME managers and their use of ITs for these purposes

The project was designed to investigate the domain of continuous training activities carried out by SME managers and their use of ITs for these purposes. This was contrasted with the trends both of the supply of IT based training for managers, as well as the public schemes of support for these type of activities, in order to provide an assessment on their suitability to SMEs’ special characteristics and needs. From a methodological perspective, this project implemented a representative survey amongst a sample of 150 manufacturing SMEs in each participating country (Austria, France, Netherlands, Norway, Spain); a qualitative analysis of the training supply based on the use of ICT and from which SME managers and owners can benefit; a qualitative analysis of the organisation of public policy intended to support training activities for SME managers and owners and based on the use of ICT.    
