An able and
Experienced team
José Miguel Pérez
José Miguel Pérez has a degree in Economics and Business Studies from the University of the Basque Country, a Masters Degree in Economic and Financial Management (CEREM) and a Masters Degree in Economic Analysis and Public Finance (Institute of Fiscal Studies).
With over 25 years of professional experience (he joined IKEI in 1990), he specialises in socioeconomic and sectorial analyses and in EU Structural and Investment Funds, both in terms of programming and assistance for project management and operational programmes, and the assessment, verification and monitoring of the same. In particular, it is worth noting that in IKEI he is responsible for carrying out the verification and monitoring activities required by article 125 of Regulation (EU) 1303/2013, article 13 of Regulation (EU) 1828/2006 and article 4 of Regulation (EU) 438/2001, with over 12 years of experience in this field for projects that are co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), the Cohesion Fund and the European Social Fund (ESF).
He is currently a Partner of IKEI.
Esteban Barrenechea
Xabier Gil
Timoteo Pérez
Luis Villanueva
Pedro Cepeda Cores
Iñigo Isusi
Clara Izurieta
José Miguel Pérez
Lide Salvador
Unai San Miguel
Joanes Alkorta
Eduardo Cepeda
Félix Gorospe
Antonio Corral
Rafael Doria
Agustin Eizagirre
Manu Olariaga
Javier Velez
Silvia Chacón
Laura Gallo
Mamen Garzo
Leyre Dilla
Javier Martínez
Roberto Blanco
Jessica Durán
Teresa Gorospe
Nerea Zaldua
Asier Bilbao
Aitziber Usabiaga
Julen Domínguez
María Cavero
Ander Ancisar
Ainhoa Berasategui
Itziar Portu
Enrique Iturrioz
Ane Odriozola
Irati Hernández