An able and
Experienced team
Nerea Zaldua
Project manager
Nerea Zaldua has a Degree in Business Studies and Administration from the University of Deusto and a Masters Degree specialising in Marketing from the same university, during the second half of her 5th year, she studied in the University of Westminster, London in the United Kingdom.
Since she joined IKEI she has accumulated over 10 years of proven experience in socioeconomic and strategic planning projects, in addition to analyses and research into regional development and competitiveness for local and regional public institutions.
She also has experience in lifelong learning and Basque language projects, and projects relating to the analysis, generation, dissemination and visualisation of socioeconomic indicators. Additionally, she has experience in managing the websites of various regional public institutions, as their Community Manager.
Her capacity for work and desire to continue learning make her a highly-motivated and committed individual, eager to work to continue developing, both personally and professionally.
She is currently a Project Manager in IKEI.
Esteban Barrenechea
Xabier Gil
Timoteo Pérez
Luis Villanueva
Pedro Cepeda Cores
Iñigo Isusi
Clara Izurieta
José Miguel Pérez
Lide Salvador
Unai San Miguel
Joanes Alkorta
Eduardo Cepeda
Félix Gorospe
Antonio Corral
Rafael Doria
Agustin Eizagirre
Manu Olariaga
Javier Velez
Silvia Chacón
Laura Gallo
Mamen Garzo
Leyre Dilla
Javier Martínez
Roberto Blanco
Jessica Durán
Teresa Gorospe
Nerea Zaldua
Asier Bilbao
Aitziber Usabiaga
Julen Domínguez
María Cavero
Ander Ancisar
Ainhoa Berasategui
Itziar Portu
Enrique Iturrioz
Ane Odriozola
Irati Hernández